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Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park

Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Nilgiri district of Tamil Nadu. The literal translation of Mudumalai is ‘old hills’. Mudumalai National Park was established in the year 1940. Ooty is the nearest city. It is one of the first wildlife sanctuaries in India which has its changing beauty according to the seasons. A good variety of flora and fauna lives in equilibrium in this forest. The specialty of this sanctuary is that special jeeps are provided to the tourists with tourists to see the forest and different species of animals.

A Peacock in Mudumalai Forest

This wildlife sanctuary is taken care by the Government of Tamil Nadu. This national park has a special museum which portrays the different types of animals which co – exist in the forest. Special buses which take the tourists around the place is also available along with the tourist guide who explains in detail about the animals which are seen in the forest. Wild Boar, Peacock, Deer, Elephants are the major species of animals which are commonly seen.

Animals crossing the road in the middle of the forest
Animals grazing in the midst of the forest

A dam is located in the forest along with other water bodies scattered in the forest which helps the animals to sustain themselves. This dam also helps the local people who live there by producing electricity necessary for them. This place is accessible only via road. As trains can’t access Ooty or Mudumalai, Buses will be available to access the area. Even hiring a taxi will be a good option for the tourists. This place is one of the tourist destinations where people won’t get bored. On the way to Mudumalai, deciduous and semi – deciduous forests can be seen on either sides of the road along with waterfalls from small creeks on the rocks.

The Dam in close by by the forest


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