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Showing posts from June, 2017

Vagamon - Nature's Own Nest of Peace and Serenity Part 2

"Can I have a look at the brochures regarding the places to visit here?" A cute little boy asked the hotel in-charge who was serving food in the dining area. "Have your food Aaron. It will turn cold. you can check the brochures later", his mom told him in a British accent. "The arrival of foreign tourists are less here compared to other parts of Kerala but people do come here by word of mouth. We just make sure that they are properly taken care of and leave the place happily with a load of memories..." We over heard the conversation of the manager who was speaking to the guests where seated nearby. The manager approached my uncle, "Sir, the jeep for your Forest Trip is ready, It's waiting near the reception." My uncle thanked him with full pride and dignity. It reminded me of the attitude of the father lion in "The Lion King"who takes care of the entire animal kingdom! "Hop in!" I screamed to my cousins and family m

Vagamon - Nature's Own Nest of Peace and Serenity Part 1

One fine morning, when I was at my cousin's place, we were discussing about his future plans in education. Some how, we deviated from the topic and started speaking about International schools located in Hill Stations. I seized the opportunity to speak to him as he always keeps himself occupied with books, games or television. He reminded me of seeing a school in Munnar (hill station in Kerala) once when we were on a family tour. This journey back to the memories made us realise how time flew past and we grew up and apart making our lives busy with career and education. He said, "Hey,Why don't we find out some time and go on a family trip like how we used to go when we were kids?" "Great idea bro. Let's do it!" was my instant reaction. After a huge struggle to convince our family members, we started listing out the places which we have not yet visited. "Rajasthan, North East, Orissa... What do you think would be best for a family trip?", I