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Vagamon - Nature's Own Nest of Peace and Serenity Part 2

"Can I have a look at the brochures regarding the places to visit here?" A cute little boy asked the hotel in-charge who was serving food in the dining area. "Have your food Aaron. It will turn cold. you can check the brochures later", his mom told him in a British accent.

"The arrival of foreign tourists are less here compared to other parts of Kerala but people do come here by word of mouth. We just make sure that they are properly taken care of and leave the place happily with a load of memories..."

We over heard the conversation of the manager who was speaking to the guests where seated nearby. The manager approached my uncle, "Sir, the jeep for your Forest Trip is ready, It's waiting near the reception." My uncle thanked him with full pride and dignity. It reminded me of the attitude of the father lion in "The Lion King"who takes care of the entire animal kingdom!

"Hop in!" I screamed to my cousins and family members. In a while, we were travelling through the zig-zag roads of Vagamon. It was around three in the afternoon and the fog had already started forming near the hills. We went on to the top of a hill and an amazing view was waiting for us!

View from top of a hill...

Breathtaking view! 

The jeep went ahead after we finished clicking selfies and proper photographs as my grandpa would call it. Pine forest came into our view. The sight itself took us to a different world. My crazy cousins jumped out of the jeep and ran into the "wild" as soon as the jeep halted. I too ran behind them just for the heck of it! "Don't go too far. There is a stream ahead. Crossing it would be dangerous", the tourist guide, also the manager of the resort screamed (he was a book of knowledge who had answers for all questions. He accompanied us happily due to shortage of tourist guides as it was festival time in Kerala)

Mesmerizing Pine forests
 It started growing dark. We were unable to keep a track  of time as the view had captured our minds. After a photo session which included selfies, family photos, solos etc, we hopped onto the jeep. While returning, the roads were covered with mist and fog and it was quite difficult to travel back to the resort. We are the culprits as the return was delayed by us who insisted on staying back to find out how it looks while the forest turns dark. Uncle had quite a lot of struggle to convince us to return back.
Pine Forests - Photograph from a different angle!
Stay Tuned for more details. Hope you have enjoyed the article...

 The photographs given here are original. Reproducing or Copying without Permission of the author is restricted.


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