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Showing posts from December, 2016

India and Cuisines Part - 1 (South India)

 Hello my dear readers! Hope you are having a wonderful time as it is Christmas and New Year vacations. This special post will be a collection of cuisines which you should try out when you are in the particular state of India. PS:- This post is a collection of Images from Google Images and some links to the respective websites as I found their work interesting. I would like to give proper credit to the images given here as well as the articles/recipes posted here by the respective websites. 😊 Being a Keralite, I would like to start with the Must try food when in Kerala Kerala, popularly known as God's own country, is a paradise for meat lovers! Kerala offers you variety of cuisines, especially in seafood and other meats. From traditional Fish Molee to Beef pepper fry, the food items will leave a trail in you if you love spicy food. For more info regarding the recipes, please do explore the links below. http:/

Different Types of Travellers and Tips while Backpacking for a Journey

Hi folks..I am back.. Most of us like to travel whenever we get free time or whenever we feel like taking a break from the daily routine. Travellers can be either solo, couple or a group (family).  What kind of a traveller are you? The 'Planner', The 'Instant' Explorer, The 'Work-a-holic' Traveller or The 'Family' Traveller?  A solo traveller The 'Planner' The planner creates a list of where to go, how to go and so on. In short, he/she plans the trip and the expenses included for the trip.  The 'Instant' Explorer The 'instant explorer Just grabs his/her bag and sets for a trip. He/She decides it instantly and then pack the bags for a trip. The 'Work-a-holic' Traveller  The Work-a-holic traveller may be travelling just as a part of the work. Once he/she complete the official work, explores the city and finds out more. The 'Family' Traveller The family traveller always prefers travellin

Travelling, Technology and Photography - A blend which results in creating long lasting memories!

Have you ever wondered the relationship between Travelling and Technology? Yes, Travelling and Technology is closely related for the present generation and for the upcoming generation. Most of the youth can easily afford a DSLR camera and a pair or two of lenses. Mere owning a DSLR won't make you an expert in Photography. Travelling and Photography The fad among the youth nowadays is to create a Facebook page on '<name of the person> Photography'; gain as many likes and comments even for the worst picture they post. Many young people have a perception these days that photography is easy and no specific training is required for the same. This is a mis-conception as photography can be perfected only through constant practice. Cameras, Lenses, Tripod, Flash and other minor accessories We should be ready to explore the various aspects of photography. To learn photography, we have to experiment clicking pictures in Manual mode in any camera, preferably

Are the monuments in India maintained properly? - My personal opinion as a Blogger

Taj Mahal is considered as one of the wonders of the world because of its mere beauty. It is made of white marbles and many controversies surround the architectural marvel. I prefer not to make comments on this issue. If you readers are interested to know more about the controversies, just read more from here - Taj Mahal - Image Courtesy - Google Images You can find out more information regarding this if you do a thorough Google search. What I am mentioning below is my personal opinion and I do not intend to hurt anyone. So here I go... **As per my observation, human beings tend to appreciate beauty or either feel jealous of the beauty possessed by others. I would like to point out a simple example here. Let's take the case of Taj Mahal. What we, human beings see is the external beauty of

Botanical Garden, Pondicherry - A mesmerising world of Flora Photo Gallery Part 2

A medicinal tree - Labelled Labelled medicinal tree  Restaurant in the Garden campus