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Showing posts from March, 2017

How Travelling Influence Young Minds - Power of Travelling (Part 2)

A family was out for a road trip on their car. They were stuck in a traffic jam. It is usual these days as construction and maintenance work is going on. Even the narrow roads and excess amount of vehicles add to the traffic. The father was indulged in thoughts like how crowded the city is in the recent times due to job opportunities and Indians from different parts of the country seek job in this two-tier city. He was too much into his thoughts. His Son, sitting behind him muttered, "Papa, Why is the car not moving?" The chain of thoughts was broken. Traffic Jam in India "Don't  worry Son, just wait for two minutes till the signal. We will leave soon." The boy started complaining about how irritating this traffic is and they are unable to enjoy the scenery as the vehicles are closely parked. On the corner of the road, he saw a small boy begging for money in a bowl. He was dressed in rags and was definitely a young boy. He looked unclean and his hair w

How Travelling Influence Young Minds - Power of Travelling (Part 1)

She was looking at a distance with a fixed stare. She was excited on what will happen during this long distance journey with her family. She was thinking of how she will explain it to her friends once she returns back from the trip.  An old lady came into the compartment begging for money. Most of the people avoided her. The girl was having food. She felt pity for the lady and gave her a piece of bread. The old lady was impressed and happily left. Next morning, they got down at the railway station and the girl heard the announcement through the loudspeaker. The voice said, "Attention passengers.. Train num........" She started walking through the crowd holding the hands of her parents. They had come down to visit Kerala all the way from Mumbai. They went to the hotel by a cab and took rest. The backwaters really impressed the girl. They went for a small journey on the houseboat. The calmness and serenity, the life of the local people - the girl was observing everyth

A Windy Evening in Promenade Beach,Pondicherry (Photo Gallery)

Travel with Nature - Go with the Originality!

Hi Folks. Hope you are not feeling bored with my recent posts. You are welcome to give out your suggestions and criticisms which helps me grow! :) Some of you may find this post as a personal one. Myself, being a person born and brought up in Kerala, is attached to nature and natural beauty. I have tried writing poems, short stories etc inspired by nature. I also love to travel a lot. I have been in and around Kerala but i still feel that i have not explored the place completely. An ordinary tourist finds out the famous places that tourists visit in the particular area and tags along with other tourists to explore the place. On the contrary, if you want to experience the real - life experience of the locals, please do explore the villages and interior parts of the place. If you are travelling to Kerala, especially Alappuzha, someone or the other may recommend you to visit the rice bowl of Kerala, Kuttanad. If you explore to the interiors of Kuttanad, you can understand how the loc

Music and Travel - One of The Most Powerful Tools in Life

Hi guys, this is one of my favorite topic. Music and Travel. See how the combination goes hand in hand. Both are inter-related to a great extent. I would like to look upon them as a Sweet Couple who can't be without each other. Music and Travel has a huge connection - Don't you think? The current generation people do plug their ears wherever they go. Even if they are commuting from home to office or vice-versa, they do plug ear phones and listen to the music. Especially when you are travelling nowadays, you fill in your i-pod/music player with your favorite playlist. This helps in playing/listening to the music on-the-go. How about music on the road?! Like different destinations we choose, may it be a Religious,architectural wise or nature-inspired trip, we do have different genres in music like Pop, Rock, Jazz and so on. According to what type of traveler you are, your music choice would also vary. You won't naturally play peppy music when you